Monday, December 10, 2012

Dana Peterson available by appointment at Natural Mystic!

Click Here to Visit Dana Patterson's Spiritual Homework!

As an intuitive, empath, channel and healer I strive to integrate healing into all interactions with others. The intention of my work is to provide the tools of self-realization to individuals and families. Utilizing my bachelors degree in Psychology and a masters degree in Education as well as over 15 years of experience of one on one and group integration within homes, business, schools and healing centers.Catalyzing individuals and their environment to shift both toward healing and growth I am guided by the intention and desire to empower individuals and families to move forward to a healthier happier life.

Spiritual Homework Intuitive Session

How is this different from a typical psychic reading?
I will tune into your energy and see where the individual blocks are in the physical, emotional and spiritual body. From this I am guided to what created these blocks; meaning what experience or emotion created the block or cord in your energy. We then can discuss tools to clean and clear those blocks or cords so you can manifest the highest possible outcome for your journey. Each session catalyzes growth and healing allowing each individual to connect to their own intuition and to be guided to manifest the life they desire at a higher vibration. As we clean and clear old patterns and habits we raise our vibration thus clearing the way for a higher vibration relationship, job or outcome. Each session includes tools for your own growth and healing as well as a follow up email for questions that arise.

Can I do a typical psychic reading? For example, “can you tell me what is coming up for me in the next six months”?
Of course! Though I find it to be much more helpful and healing to work with an individual to find the blocks and then provide tools so they themselves can be clear. Thus being able to see for themselves what they are manifesting or creating. Since we are all intuitive beings my goal is to assist people in healing the layers that block them from being guided by their own intuition and to trust in the truth as it is revealed to them.

Intuitive Healings and Pranic Breathwork

Intuitive healing and pranic breathwork assisting in removing blocks in the energetic, emotional and physical body. I will assist you in unwinding the emotional and energetic blocks that are keeping you from moving forward. When these blocks exist our magnetic field remains a lower vibration thus attracting much of the same experiences. When we release and heal our vibration rises giving us the opportunity to create a higher vibration outcome in our relationships, jobs, and over all manifesting.


I can't start this any other way than Dana has completely changed my life. Dana is one of those incredibly gifted individuals that has an ability to connect to you the minute she meets you. I was on a path of self exploration and wondering how to take it to the next level. Although hard to hear at first, she broke through patterns I didn't even realize where there. For as long as I can remember, I've had a fluctuating level of anxiety...never being able to pin point where it was coming from. She graciously pointed out and asked me the necessary questions holding me back. After all that, she provided me the tools to step forward and move to a place of healing and regrowth. She is open, non-judgmental and so accurate at times it's unnerving I know that this is just the start of beautiful growth, I couldn't be more grateful to have her enter my journey.

Kari, Long Beach, CA
Dana is one of the most “connected” people I know, her words of wisdom and guidance come from deep within her, and are words based on experience, not from a book. Dana’s ability and willingness to share her gifts is a blessing in itself. Listen with your soul and your journey will be that much more fulfilled by her pertinent insights!

Phil, New Hampshire
Dana is one of those rare walking angels on earth who has helped me in my greatest times of need. Dana has done the self-work making her a pure vessel of light, able to help and heal you with her insights. Dana has always been extremely accurate in her readings giving me great confidence to act on her advice. Coming from a place of non-judgment she always sees the lessons to be gained despite the outward appearances of life. Dana is a gift to this world living her life in service to bring peace, harmony and love to all those fortunate enough to connect with her. Dana is truly a modern day avatar accessible to us all.

Namaste Hannah, Phoenix, AZ
I have learned a tremendous amount from Dana! The “old me” would fly off the handle over relatively small things through working with Dana I have learned a large amount of patience through her guidance and insight. Learning from her how to control myself and my thoughts and actions is just a couple of examples. The way she explains things is second to none and I am grateful to know her as a person. In addition to the above I have seen her help others as well; her selflessness is amazing to watch. Caring only that the person she is helping becomes clearer and healthier. Dana is truly a light worker and has helped me become the same.

Dan, St. Louis, MO
The coolest thing about learning Kundalini yoga with Dana is that it put me in touch with the infinite love that surrounds us, penetrates us and created us. I have touched this love during the meditation portion of Dana's class, and I definitely credit Dana's clear channel to the infinite as the vehicle that helped enable me to feel this supremely powerful love. Feeling this powerful sense of love and belonging regularly has helped make me more patient, more understanding and more gentle towards others and towards myself. Dana's clear channel to this universal love also helped me release old anger, fear and attachments that prevent me from being the best man I can be. Bottom line is that practicing Kundalini yoga with Dana is helping make me a better man.

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